Monday, April 26, 2010

feature by kaleem butt

A Love Letter to MPA

Kaleem Butt

My dear MPA sorry for disturbing you, I know you are so busy but what can I do? I am dying to see you, it has been along time seeing you, I sent you many messages via mobile but you have not replied one, as though you have forgot me. No, no it is not that I doubt you, God forbid me for that sin but what can I do, your love and affection has moved me to write a letter so that you may know my eyes are waiting for your one sight since last elections. But what can I do? I know I can’t write a letter like old English ladies and now SMS services have replaced letters.

I know you are so busy doing well for our constituency, you have a busy schedule but you tell me how can I live not seeing you for last whole two years. You know dear last week a dog died just next street to your house, we complained but the municipality told us they have no orders from higher authorities, dear who can be a higher authority than you. I know you have done a lot for us, just like we had a serious problem of breakdowns of light in hot weather but how well you solved that problem, through tapes of water, now even in light we sleep under water tapes and fresh air comes out from them, we save the light and sleep under the tapes.

My dear I don’t know why opposition is jealous from you, when you are working so hard for everyone, you know someone stole a cap of a gutter-line, I know full well that it is a trick of opposition that is against you and don’t want to see you on this position. But how can I doubt your abilities? You are so able and you work hard for us that’s the reason that for two years now you have not come once in your own constituency.

You know my dear I know your promises are true, and you have not forgotten your promises, the road has still big holes, days ago Jumma split from his bike and his leg was fractured, we took him to the government hospital, the doctor was not on duty, the old nurse told us medicine is not present, we paid for the sample medicine to the near drug store, but who has time to think about these little things. As you are working for our prosperity, it is not fair to tell you about these small things.

My dear according to your order your milky buffaloes are still at the primary school and the teacher milks them, and why not after all you were the man behind his appointment.

My dear there is a lady of your opposition she always shouts at you, she always reminds us you are doing nothing for us, but we your faithful voters since generation till generation don’t give her a dam look, when she starts speaking we press our fingers in our ears, some put cotton, we close our eyes. How can we your faithful voters can hear anything against you? If you command us we can trial her for blasphemy.

Who can doubt on your abilities you are such a hard worker, that we pray you will be our next CM, the police officers are so helpful and polite to us, the crime rate has immediately fallen down. There was a gang rape, a murder, few people come for extortion money, a day ago someone snatched my mobile, but you know what, everything is under control there is no problem with law and order. You know we have known how to live a contend life, the bag of flour, and the tin of ghee and the sugar, that you gave us during your election campaign is still in stock, you don’t worry about us we have all the facilities, that were never given to us since independence, but thanks to you for providing us all of them just in two years.

We know that your first mission is to wipe out the terrorists, and you are doing a lot for that, may all terrorists go to hell, how can we live in society that is full of terrorists? Kill them we fully support you.

And dear I want to tell you there is an empty ground were youth play games, this is simply wasting of time, what I suggest is if there are guests who are needy, poor and effected by terrorists, send them there, they will enjoy our hospitality, after all we are known for our hospitality, they are our brothers in faith, and how can they take away our resources, we are ever ready to give our brothers everything that we have.

My dear, my dear I am sorry I have taken your too much time; I know you are a busy MPA; you have to take many responsibilities on your weak shoulders, and I know full well that what can one man do?

But you know my position how can I live, not seeing your holy face for two years, you know how much we love you, please come for a while and show your holy face, before I die. Don’t worry I have made a will that my children till seven generations will vote you; I pray may this letter reach you.

Your faithful voter for ever and ever

XYZ of ABC family.

1 comment:

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