All thing is important on its place ,but inspired of knowing all important we do notpay any attention nor another measurement so it is imagination our life nursary flowers have most important but people donot give attention and inters-st and consciousness and neither government therefore the quantity of nursery's flower are decrees day by day ;lf we asked a gardner about to his nursery's flower so will com to know significance of the nursery .Gardner loves the flower ,plants like his child when he cultivate seed and keep flower pot in sun light and sometime shelter so during this period best relation create between gardner and flower/plants ,gardner take care plants like a mother who care their children better way , gardner does not want flower become die or fade rather keep rather keep fresh always in real he does not want to sail he know that this is a main source of his income in spite all of this he feel unhappy after sold he feel that his a child left him he understand that know body take care like him,he does not want any body pluck and nor touch he feel that these are very scencetivehe want the flower keep fresh .All nursery flower and plants has an equal quality but gardner give more attention on plants nratherthe flower pot because he cultivate a flower potby the branch of the tree therefore its main source of increasing incom but in present masses does not interest towards the flower nursery and neither exhibition held by the government owing to this masses does not know the important of the flower nursarys.
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