Akber Khan, he is one them who devoted their life for their aims and passion he is a excellent boxer champion of Sindh District, Division and national level. His first participation from UOS in Punjab championship 1980 and he got first position he remained champion continuously 3 years, 1080,1981 and 1982,he got the gold medal in light fly weight category in 1981 and also secured 2nd position in 6-mile long cross country race, he started coaching in 1996 since now, he is also the boxing refry and judge, he is running his own boxing club and has been trained many boxers till now his mission to promote and to develop boxing game on national and international level he has been served his 30 years of his life for boxing and remains attached with boxing field.
Q1: Why you choose to be a boxer?
A: Actually my father was a wrestler in India so my aim was also to become a wrestler but here in Pakistan wrestling was no familiar on that time so I had to join boxing because both are game of power.
Q2: How do you interested in a boxing?
A: I had been decided to become a boxer and I very much inspired by M.Ali Clay, so I joined “Khan Boxing Club” in 1978, and Ustad Molvi Bux (Muld) was my coach and he trained me and polish my boxing skills he was a great coach.
Q3: Sir firstly tell me, what is boxing actually? Is it just a game of power?
A: Power with out techniques has no meaning in boxing. Boxing is “the art or practice of fighting with fists". the boxing is the art of a tack and defense with the fists in which the contestants wear padded gloves, the true nature of boxing is patience, braveness are the good part of the boxing game.
Q4: What basic qualities a boxer should have?
A: The main and important quality a boxer should have that is the braveness and be attentive and present minded because it is a game of techniques. If boxer has power but he is not brave so he is useless in boxing. Mick tisane is a great player in boxing because he is not too healthy but he is brave and active. Boxer should know how to defeat to other and what technique should use in game.
Q5: Is it a natural God gifted quality?
A: Yes, it is natural God gifted quality same like that everyone can not write literature, everyone cant not be an artist, singer, performer and minister so these qualities are gifted and everyone has different.
Q6: At what minimum age should a train a person for boxing?
A: Minimum age should a person under 14 to 16 years old and this is the amateur boxing class, another of cadet boy junior, youth and open, open class started by 19 years, but amateur boxing class is nursery of boxing training.
Q7: How many classes or stages or categories of boxing?
A: There are basically 11 categories of boxing training:
1: Light fly weight 48 kg
2: Fly 51 kg
3: Bantam 58 kg
4: Father weight 57kg
5: Light weight 60kg
6: Light Walter 64kg
7: Walter 69kg
8: Middle weight 75kg
9: Light heavy 81 kg
10: Heavy 9 1kg
11: Super heavy 91 above.
Q8: What is an upper age limit one can fight well?
A: 28 to 30 years old boxer is supper fighter , because he has every thing in his self that is related with good boxing, he has well trained, full of potential, energetic and know all techniques of boxing that is helpful in good and effective fight and success of boxer.
Q9: Can you make somebody a boxer without basic qualities or talent just due to good training and coaching?
A: No, this is impossible even a good coach can not make a boxer without basic qualities, if someone has no skills how do you develop in himself, boxing is a art of power and i believe that " people are born artist, not made" coach just can polish somebody skills and develop boxing qualities but can not create. oppressinaly we cant make a boxer.
Q10: What a coach must know?
A: Coach is not only a coach he is a friend of trainee, he should know well about all aspects of life, should set routine of trainee, diet, exercises and teach defense techniques, who had played boxing, know about all these feelings that appeared after fight so he can teach to trainee that how to overcome it. Coach should be a player of boxing it is very important if he is not a boxer how he can train to somebody for boxing.
Q11: Should a coach be an Olympian of national and international level?
A: Definitely yes coach should be an Olympian because he had played boxing and participate in different tournaments and know all about boxing. he knows what situation have to face after fight, how to relax a boxer, which type of diet should give him, how and when to give rest to a boxer because if boxer knockout in first round so he needs 3 weeks rest, if boxer second time do it he needs 6 weeks rest, because second time he needs more rest due to mentally pressure and injuries. Here one thing is important that if fighter be knockout in his first fight he lost his spirit.
Q12: A champion may not be always a good coach, do you agree?
A: Coaching is also a art and God gifted quality, A good player never a good coach but situation not remain same.
Q13: What should a coach possess, mentally and physically?
Q14: How to be became a good boxer and international level?
A: Amateur boxing is a nursery of boxing and a person made a good boxer of any level from here, firstly we need a good academies of boxing with all facilities, a person who indented and passionate for boxing is necessary and also a boxer must be educated, a educated boxer can play well for e.g. you give hammer to uneducated person and one is give to educated person then to observe that how will they use it, uneducated use it his own manners but educated use it technically because he knows how to hit with hammer, same like here boxing is technically game if boxer is educated he can easily understand all the techniques of fight, he knows limits of fight, speed and how to punch and use them bravely. We have to work hard for international level its not a easy task but we have a lot of talent in both a coach and boxer, just need of moral and financial supports of Govt and boxing federation.
Q15: Why you choose to be a boxing coach?
A: Professionally I am a boxer and I keen interested and this is my mission to promote boxing nationally and internationally that’s why I choose coaching.
Q16: since how long you are coaching?
A: Almost I am coaching since 14 years.
Q17: How many people or boxer you have trained so far?
A: So many people I have trained till now I don’t remember the exact number of people, majority of youngster just only joins boxing club for fitness not for professionally.
Q: Please tell me details about your boxing club?
A: I am running my “Jamia Arabia Boxing club” al alone it is free of cost no any joining fees of club because my mission to develop and to promote boxing not get money its my passion not business, I have only one boxing kit and I started and took charge of this club after the death of Fida Hussain he was the founder of this club.
Q18: What are the reasons non professionally joining of boxing clubs?
A: Boxing training is very tough and difficult and I think youngsters scared to hard training and secondly here in no bright future of boxer, so people joins boxing just for fitness, fun and some are joins for revenge, because they had been beaten by someone and want to take revenge majority of boys joins for this reason.
Q19: Which type of training and exercise is being imparted?
A: Running, jumping, its is very important boxing is standing game on foot so as much your foot work is good as you can fight easily and boxer beats less and hit more foot work is very important boxer does relax with jumping in ring, other than push up it is make power and other fitness exercise we perform to boxer.
Q20: What are the techniques of boxing?
A: Attack, straight left ,left hook to head, right hook to body, right swing, short swing, upper cut, in- flying, cover for in-fighting, defiance, swaying from a straight left, snap back, ducking, slipping, counter hitting, side stepping, inside parry, cross guard, the break, down, the count, boxer stand back, unfair tactics, lying- on, shoundring, covering up, dominating the ring, feinting, the southpaw, and foot work
Q21: Which type of diet you do suggest for boxer?
A: Gaseous food is harmful for boxer so we avoid it, high caloric diet like milk, eggs, glucose minerals and high nutrients and hygienic diet is good for boxer.
Q22: What do you say about use of drug medicines for boxer and when this trend started in Pakistan?
A: Many international boxer are using drug medicines but they know how and when use it, its important for boxer that if any boxer is using drug so he must leave drug before 3 months of tournaments because if drug diagnose in his blood test so international boxing federation can bane him and to fix plenty on this boxer, drug use is illegal in boxing. In Pakistan nobodies know about drug in past, coaches were used turmeric milk remedy for pain and relief but unfortunately when international coaches came here they spoiled our boxing and spread the trend of drug. Meher ullah boxer had also used drug in his period, interestingly Pakistani boxers don’t know what medicines are coach using for pain and injuries, boxer inform to coach that he has pain in body so what he should he do and coach simply give him some tablets, these tablets are dugs but boxer don’t know because majority of boxer is illiterate boxer eat tablets and get relief from pain when next time he feel pain coach give again that tablets so slowly and gradually boxer used to drug and take it easy because here is no restrictions of blood test in domestic level. International boxer does care and fully trained about drug use.
Q23: How many clubs are working in Hyderabad?
A: 18 Clubs are working in Hyderabad but 4 to 5 clubs are in running and performing well in boxing very sadly one boxing club can not make one boxer.
Q23: what is the reason behind this?
A: Main reason is that lack of resources, budget and moral supports. At least 4 to 5 boxing kit bags should be provided in each club but here in only one bag in club one trainee is practicing and other is to be waiting for kit how we can produce extra talent in large quantity, these bags consists of punching pads, punching globs and punching ball made by lather and quality products are very expensive like Top ten and Green hill companies products are too much expensive. Boxing academies can’t afford these boxing kit bags.
Q24: Tell me about injuries of boxing?
A: Burst of eye brows , lower eye skin, hit on chin, bleed from nose, jaws bone breakage and lips can break up If boxer don’t use gum shield, head injuries are also common in boxing so we use head guard for head protection.
Q25: Do you foresee the potential in Pakistani boxer to become international player?
Q25: Is there any body, which has the potential for national or international level? If yes who?
A26: Here is so many youngsters who have talent and potential also such as Azgher Ali Shah, Mubeen Shah, Jan Muhammad Baloch, Malang Baloch, Meher UL llahA and so on, they all are to deserve to become champion on internationally level, and now I am seeing one boxer in Hyderabad Rao Abdul Kareem, He is my student and doing job in army and he has been won many tournaments in Army from his unit I am surely say about him that if he consistently doing boxing in same manner he can perform on internationally and participate in Olympic.
Q27: If we have talented coach in our country so why we call to foreigners coach?
A: Simply I would to say that “a prophet is not valued in his own country” .our federation can heavy pay to foreigners coach but cant promote national coach.
Q28: What is a future of boxing in Pakistan?
A: We have more talent in Pakistan specially in Lyari and Hyderabad, Sindh and boxers of Queta are also performing well our many boxer have been won medals such as Muzafer Iqbal got medal in supper heavy weight and Meher Ullah is Asian gold medalist and Gen. Musharaf gave him 50,000 rupees in prize, so future is bright just need of Govt supports, Govt and sponsors are support to cricket very much but they avoid boxing that’s why we are getting down, if they support us like cricket so boxing can also increase its standard and get success in Olympic and international tournaments.
Q29: What financial benefits one can get in this profession?
A: We don’t have Govt supports that’s why financial benefits are very less in boxing, more than boxer gets job in any Govt institutions and some others private institutions hire them and Army appoint on contract basis like 44FF, 25 Sindh, if its not happen here so I think boxing may die because if boxer nothing get enough money how they can survive in society how can fulfill their family needs.
Q30: How do you see this profession worldwide?
A: Boxing is so many popular and beneficial game on international level. And has many importances in worldwide.
Q31: Has any body in your children or family joined this profession?
A: Yes, my 4 children are playing amateur and cadet boxing but two of them one is Azher (13 years old) and second is Ajmal (11 years old) are very enthusiastic and I am seining potential in them for boxing, I can predict that they can make boxer of international level but supports of federation will be needed so that they can represent to Pakistan on international level.
Q32: what are your suggestions for boxing?
A: We have talent only don’t have supports of Govt and federation, Prof. Anwar Chd was the president of World Boxing Federation it he wanted he could do more for Pakistani boxing but he never did do any thing in his period Pakistani boxers just participated in events but never did perform well because we don’t have facilities we don’t have internationally standard ring our boxers have lose their confidence, so my suggestion is that boxing federation provide us all facilities, clubs , handsome budget, moral supports. Now Dudha khan Bhutto is president of boxing federation of Pakistan let see what he do for Pakistani boxing.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Back to Idol Affection
It is the nature of human beings that he invents something in different periods of time and he achieves ultimate point of success. Since evolution of humans till today they are involved in different activities, such as agricultural developments, technologies and so on. Now they have entered in communication era, like radio,TV, internet and satellites have been developed by themselves but the question arises that, why they are moving backwards after achieving the top most and ultimate success.
Media is a very powerful means of communication, it is a source of information, knowledge and entertainment, and people also use media for, entertainment, self relaxation and awareness. But nowadays, it is observed that in our society, mostly people have been extremely inspired by media anchor persons and celebrities and they forget their moral values, ethical values and culture. They do not realize that, what they are doing? It is just due to lack of confidence and knowledge about their moral values, religious obligations and inferiority complex.
Is it love, devotion, affection, attraction or inspiration, what is this and what it should be called? But they are doing it without any consideration: We hears many proverbs in our daily life, such as " yar bhai ki film kia hit hai:, or "yeh bhai ka style hai samjho apna style hai", in these sentences " Bhai" is a famous bollywood star and favorite actor of youngsters and they feels it their moral and prime “duty" to follow "bhai's" style. They pay full attention to these film, personalities and styles, instead of their studies and goal of life. Same is the case with our women, they gives priority and pay full attention and preferences to " Nadia khan morning show" instead of talking to their family members on breakfast and males gets excitement by this morning show. What is this? These media persons and celebrities have become "idols of affection”, for our viewers.
Allama Muhammad Iqbal said when the first movie was screened in 1930s,
Media is a very powerful means of communication, it is a source of information, knowledge and entertainment, and people also use media for, entertainment, self relaxation and awareness. But nowadays, it is observed that in our society, mostly people have been extremely inspired by media anchor persons and celebrities and they forget their moral values, ethical values and culture. They do not realize that, what they are doing? It is just due to lack of confidence and knowledge about their moral values, religious obligations and inferiority complex.
Is it love, devotion, affection, attraction or inspiration, what is this and what it should be called? But they are doing it without any consideration: We hears many proverbs in our daily life, such as " yar bhai ki film kia hit hai:, or "yeh bhai ka style hai samjho apna style hai", in these sentences " Bhai" is a famous bollywood star and favorite actor of youngsters and they feels it their moral and prime “duty" to follow "bhai's" style. They pay full attention to these film, personalities and styles, instead of their studies and goal of life. Same is the case with our women, they gives priority and pay full attention and preferences to " Nadia khan morning show" instead of talking to their family members on breakfast and males gets excitement by this morning show. What is this? These media persons and celebrities have become "idols of affection”, for our viewers.
Allama Muhammad Iqbal said when the first movie was screened in 1930s,

That was the religion of the ancient nations,
This is the exhibition and show of the culture and expressions,
That was the mud of the world; and this is the mud of the hell to be burnt,
That was idol and this is the ash.

I would like to explain that, Hakeem ul ummat Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal did not mean that mankind has turned towards idol worship but the actual means of worship is that to expect or beg something from worldly idols, instead of Almighty God.
Obviously this lack of attention will move them towards idol worship. We observe the scenes that mostly people leave their important assignments and watch their favorite programs with full concentration. This is something very alarming. These effects of media are moving us away from our Islamic and real moral values and people are easily adopting other’s cultural values. It is all due to negligence, ignorance and lack of interest as well as lack of knowledge about religion and Allama Iqbal cautioned and warned us much more in advance regarding this evil.
It does not exists only in our society
But this trend is spreading all over the world, e.g., U.S.A, Europe, India and so on. The role of media has successfully played could not be played by the great rulers and dictators as well. The media can make and break public opinion. TV is up-to-date technology and it has many positive effects it is a great source of awareness of problems through entertainment. Educational and religious programs can be screened and presented in a better and interesting way. Our religious obligations, cultural norms and ethical values be kept in mind .The need is felt that use of media should be according to limits and on need to know basis. It is a natural factor and phenomenon that glamour does attract somebody but having given the priority, it means that to loose your aim and forgetting your basic mission and the reason of our creation is certainly not acceptable.
It is suggested that, the government and media people must also have their self made code of conduct, ethical norms and keeping the religious values in mind, while presenting any program on air, without competing with others, particularly the non believers. Educational level should be raised so that people can differentiate between good and bad, their should be no restriction on viewing the channels but the youngsters should be guided, obliged and instructed about good and bad, positives and negatives also (own culture and other’s culture, ethics and moral values) youngster not should make role model of any media personality, like bollywood stars and others. Government should promulgate the national values and national ethics and national issues and highlight the national spirits and patriotism. Leaders should set self and personal examples for the nation particularly for young generation.
Hyderabad in the phase of the development.
Imagine the hustle and bustle of the traffic from City Gate Hotel to the Tower Market; the noisy roads full with mini-taxis; auto-rickshaws and many other vehicles; you will recall your memory and say:
“This is Hyderabad the second largest city of province Sindh and the eighth largest city of Pakistan.”
After seeing the bold steps of construction taken by the City Nazim of Karachi, the local government of Hyderabad decided to take the very same steps of developments, to make flyovers, bridges and few other development projects; such as sewerage system and water system. The local government of Hyderabad announced projects of development as under: five flyover projects; currently four are under construction and one has been completed in 2007 which is now opened to use for the people of Hyderabad. The people have waited a long to see the sight of development of their city and at last they can sense something of hope seeing one project being completed. There are some reservations that local government must have kept in view; such as first complete the first project then to start the second one, for example there are two routes going from Hyderabad main city to Qasimabad and on the both routes construction work is in progress; due to which people face many problems; sometimes they just ignore their important work just because of traffic jam and pollution.
Any ways here is program of development of Hyderabad as announced by the local government of flyover/bridges and underpass. The five flyovers are planned from Latifabad Unit-7. Shahbaz Chowk along with Thandi Sharak; Latif Chowk along with Old National Highway, Giddu Chowk along with Auto-Bahn Road and Qasim Chowk along with Old National Highway and also a single barrel underpass is to be constructed at the same place; only for one way traffic from jail side, turning left on Old National Highway for Latif Chowk. The flyover for Latifabad unit-7 has been completed and opened for use since December 2007.
Beside that construction work; three bridges on old Phuleli, Phuleli and Channel parallel to old bridges on these canals at Hala Naka is in progress with a view to reduce the traffic pressure, which is causing multiple difficulties for the citizens and travelers from other sides of the county who pass through Hyderabad. Another scheme of construction of flyover at Channel/Mirpurkhas Road Railway crossing and bridge for approach to New Subzi Mandi are also added. Flittered water and an efficient sewerage system are old demands of citizens of Hyderabad, which has been undertaken.
Hyderabad development project has been divided into two major phases and the development works of surface nature have got completed in the first phase to ensure durability of the development works being undertaken in the second phase. Due to this schedule all other nation building departments should complete their requirements before execution of development so as to avoid their losses.
All the development works of Hyderabad Development Project have being carried under GIS system with detailed information to meet any future requirement of the areas. Due to application of the GIS system, the district government has been enable to maintain the record of the existing development data from street to district level. The district government has not set priorities as instead of giving preference to disposal of sewerage it is keen on constructing flyovers, adding some nine million gallons of untreated sewerage water being daily pumped into Phuleli canal. Similarly, sewerage water of Qasimabad has being pumped into Indus River and consumed by people living downstream, the health of people is being threatened by Hepatitis and other diseases of water.
Having said and done that Hyderabad the oldest and 2nd largest city of Sindh will become a modern and beautiful city. Presently what we are facing is the traffic jams and pollution problems, that will be finished at once when all these developments will be completed and public have joy on relief, from all point of views, that is roads, flyovers, drinking water, sewerage system and recreational facilities in the city, the city will once again become the city of fresh breeze and soothing evenings. As it is called:
“Hyderabad the city of fresh air.”

“This is Hyderabad the second largest city of province Sindh and the eighth largest city of Pakistan.”
After seeing the bold steps of construction taken by the City Nazim of Karachi, the local government of Hyderabad decided to take the very same steps of developments, to make flyovers, bridges and few other development projects; such as sewerage system and water system. The local government of Hyderabad announced projects of development as under: five flyover projects; currently four are under construction and one has been completed in 2007 which is now opened to use for the people of Hyderabad. The people have waited a long to see the sight of development of their city and at last they can sense something of hope seeing one project being completed. There are some reservations that local government must have kept in view; such as first complete the first project then to start the second one, for example there are two routes going from Hyderabad main city to Qasimabad and on the both routes construction work is in progress; due to which people face many problems; sometimes they just ignore their important work just because of traffic jam and pollution.
Any ways here is program of development of Hyderabad as announced by the local government of flyover/bridges and underpass. The five flyovers are planned from Latifabad Unit-7. Shahbaz Chowk along with Thandi Sharak; Latif Chowk along with Old National Highway, Giddu Chowk along with Auto-Bahn Road and Qasim Chowk along with Old National Highway and also a single barrel underpass is to be constructed at the same place; only for one way traffic from jail side, turning left on Old National Highway for Latif Chowk. The flyover for Latifabad unit-7 has been completed and opened for use since December 2007.
Beside that construction work; three bridges on old Phuleli, Phuleli and Channel parallel to old bridges on these canals at Hala Naka is in progress with a view to reduce the traffic pressure, which is causing multiple difficulties for the citizens and travelers from other sides of the county who pass through Hyderabad. Another scheme of construction of flyover at Channel/Mirpurkhas Road Railway crossing and bridge for approach to New Subzi Mandi are also added. Flittered water and an efficient sewerage system are old demands of citizens of Hyderabad, which has been undertaken.
Hyderabad development project has been divided into two major phases and the development works of surface nature have got completed in the first phase to ensure durability of the development works being undertaken in the second phase. Due to this schedule all other nation building departments should complete their requirements before execution of development so as to avoid their losses.
All the development works of Hyderabad Development Project have being carried under GIS system with detailed information to meet any future requirement of the areas. Due to application of the GIS system, the district government has been enable to maintain the record of the existing development data from street to district level. The district government has not set priorities as instead of giving preference to disposal of sewerage it is keen on constructing flyovers, adding some nine million gallons of untreated sewerage water being daily pumped into Phuleli canal. Similarly, sewerage water of Qasimabad has being pumped into Indus River and consumed by people living downstream, the health of people is being threatened by Hepatitis and other diseases of water.
Having said and done that Hyderabad the oldest and 2nd largest city of Sindh will become a modern and beautiful city. Presently what we are facing is the traffic jams and pollution problems, that will be finished at once when all these developments will be completed and public have joy on relief, from all point of views, that is roads, flyovers, drinking water, sewerage system and recreational facilities in the city, the city will once again become the city of fresh breeze and soothing evenings. As it is called:
“Hyderabad the city of fresh air.”

“People are born artist, not made”
Mr. Muhammad Rafique Shaikh , is one of them.
God almighty blesses certain people with such abilities in mortal world, that they do not have. Good voice is a gift of God every body have not with that good wealth owner Mr.Rafique is one of those people, who are gifted by God, he has extraordinary voice, he knows melody , his sound is incredible , that Mr. Rafique attained so much popularity in his life he is populous. The audience always gave him an enthusiastic response, moreover his ingenuity and artistic virtuously won every heart. He can possibly attain every thing due to his hard working, personally he likes soft and melody songs, he is singing simultaneously in sindhi and urdu , he is very modesty, shy, cooperative, friendly, hardworking and experienced singer.
Mr.Rafique sheikh was born in Hyderabad on September 26, 1969, he passed his matriculation in 1980 from Noor Muhammad high school , then he passed intermediate from Muslim science college after that he completed his graduation from Sindh University of Jamashoro in 1st class, he was a hard working student throughout his educational career always obtain excellent grades during his student life he was a good cricketer of 1st class cricket, he was an all rounder in his team and he achieved “ best bowler” award by “Zaheer Abbas” in 1987 but he had some family problems that why he could not continue his cricket passion. He is inspired in cricket by Jawaid Minandad.
He started professional career as an executive secretary at Fateh group of industry, then he went to Saudi Arabia for better opportunity and there he joined Al- Qafa construction company as executive secretary in 2000, he promoted there and became incharge of ISO organization in Damam, he had to came back in Pakistan in 2006 and there he joined NJI life in 2006.
Mr. Rafique turning point of life was in 1996, when he interested in singing and he incidentally entered in this field by the reference of his friend. He says, “a friends knew the song in my heart” and I have a good and melodious voice and people did well appreciate and teacher advised me to take it up seriously then I decided to continue singing and properly took training of classical music initially he learned from honorable Ustad Muhammad Siddique Mukesh and Usdad Sultan Khan Sahib (late) who played a great role in his learning and he did his base strong after his death he got training from Ustad Abed Khan Sitar saaz at that time , he was actually more interested in music.
His first break through came in the form of Radio program in 1997, he performed in “NOU RAANG” musical program, he also performed encomium (on the Holy Prophet S.A.W) other than he was been performed on T.V channels such as PTV and STN.
Mr. Rafique says, about his great achievements that he was performing first time in musical concert at Qila infront of huge and naughty audience whom did not perform to any singers but as such when he started performing on 3rd entry , I was surprised people were stunned when I sang the song, Mr. Rafique performed 27 songs whole night and it was very amazing that how I did it but he says that was his passion for singing. Second achievement of Mr. Rafique when he was performing with well knowned Ghazzal gayak Ustad Rasheed Khan and Mr. Rafique says that was a great night for me, because nobody interested in Ustad Rasheed Khan singing, as I sang a song, people requested to me again and again for singing instead of Usatad Sahib and I think, he was displeased by my self but he did not express he is a great singer and I respect him from core of my heart.
Mr. Rafique says “when a singer truly feels and experience what the music is all about, the words will automatically ring true”, I remembered well, when I performed in wedding function I was singing very emotional song, I was really amazed when I saw the bridal family was weeping my emotional song teased to them, and he believed that, faith and joy are the great force of song.
Good voice is a gift of God and nobody make it, my teacher said that “Talent is in born, can not be created”, and I agreed with him 100% because 95% people are artists only 5% be produced, however the talent can be polished.
In 2008, when the dedication music album “Zinda bad dakhtar e mashriq zinda bad” was launching on martyrdom of Muhatarma Benazir Bhutto. Mr. Rafique sung a song “Churcha Benazir ka har aik ghar main hai” for this album and this is the first and leading song of this album.
He is inspired in music by Mr.Rafique and his voice also match with Raffia, when he come to stage and his name announce, people thinks that he changed his name, then he clarify that “I am Rafique not Raffia”. Mr. Rafique was a lead singer of his musical group (Saaz –o- Awash).
Presently he is working on his personal album and he has already composed five songs for this album, Mr. Rafique says I am very busy in my insurance field that is why I can not fully concentrate on my album but I am very keenly interested to launch this album very soon.
Mr. Rafique highly appreciate the role of media specially in music industry, he says now people know, how media works, freedom of media is good in my opinion, when he started singing at that time we had very limited sources and new talent faced many difficulties for having opportunities but now a days many channels working not only in Pakistan also in Hyderabad and I am surely say that much talent in Hyderabad. Channels providing opportunities and appreciating with open arm, due to launching of private channels the deserving people have got employment opportunities. He further says “If you want to prove your self and you have talent so electronic media can play very important role and youngest singer must come on media”.
Mr. Rafique says about his singing career “ I am satisfied with my profession and singing, I have not too much desires but I always feel that I need to improve more and more, I want to learn more, he says about his future plans, well he intends to establish a music institution on his own basis in Hyderabad between 4 to 5 years, he says “ I am not in it for the money , I like music, I love music, I can not imagine my self not playing or singing, it would just drive me crazy if I did not”.
Mr.Rafique says” as the trained and experienced singer my advice to younger singer, who have talent and want to express their singing talent, they must know music learning
Besides they must be good performer because” singer come and go, but if you are a good performer, you can last a long time” also a good singer must know types of audience, their taste of music, and young singer should daily singing practice for 3 to 4 hours, my music teacher said that if you do practice in morning only one hour you can easily covered 3 to 4 hours , the logic of this saying is that because morning is very tough time for practice our voice s drowsy so very difficult to manage it in tune. So all young singers must work hard because this is time the age of competition, “If you want to sing, you have to learn music”.
Mr.Rafique sheikh was born in Hyderabad on September 26, 1969, he passed his matriculation in 1980 from Noor Muhammad high school , then he passed intermediate from Muslim science college after that he completed his graduation from Sindh University of Jamashoro in 1st class, he was a hard working student throughout his educational career always obtain excellent grades during his student life he was a good cricketer of 1st class cricket, he was an all rounder in his team and he achieved “ best bowler” award by “Zaheer Abbas” in 1987 but he had some family problems that why he could not continue his cricket passion. He is inspired in cricket by Jawaid Minandad.
He started professional career as an executive secretary at Fateh group of industry, then he went to Saudi Arabia for better opportunity and there he joined Al- Qafa construction company as executive secretary in 2000, he promoted there and became incharge of ISO organization in Damam, he had to came back in Pakistan in 2006 and there he joined NJI life in 2006.
Mr. Rafique turning point of life was in 1996, when he interested in singing and he incidentally entered in this field by the reference of his friend. He says, “a friends knew the song in my heart” and I have a good and melodious voice and people did well appreciate and teacher advised me to take it up seriously then I decided to continue singing and properly took training of classical music initially he learned from honorable Ustad Muhammad Siddique Mukesh and Usdad Sultan Khan Sahib (late) who played a great role in his learning and he did his base strong after his death he got training from Ustad Abed Khan Sitar saaz at that time , he was actually more interested in music.
His first break through came in the form of Radio program in 1997, he performed in “NOU RAANG” musical program, he also performed encomium (on the Holy Prophet S.A.W) other than he was been performed on T.V channels such as PTV and STN.
Mr. Rafique says, about his great achievements that he was performing first time in musical concert at Qila infront of huge and naughty audience whom did not perform to any singers but as such when he started performing on 3rd entry , I was surprised people were stunned when I sang the song, Mr. Rafique performed 27 songs whole night and it was very amazing that how I did it but he says that was his passion for singing. Second achievement of Mr. Rafique when he was performing with well knowned Ghazzal gayak Ustad Rasheed Khan and Mr. Rafique says that was a great night for me, because nobody interested in Ustad Rasheed Khan singing, as I sang a song, people requested to me again and again for singing instead of Usatad Sahib and I think, he was displeased by my self but he did not express he is a great singer and I respect him from core of my heart.
Mr. Rafique says “when a singer truly feels and experience what the music is all about, the words will automatically ring true”, I remembered well, when I performed in wedding function I was singing very emotional song, I was really amazed when I saw the bridal family was weeping my emotional song teased to them, and he believed that, faith and joy are the great force of song.
Good voice is a gift of God and nobody make it, my teacher said that “Talent is in born, can not be created”, and I agreed with him 100% because 95% people are artists only 5% be produced, however the talent can be polished.
In 2008, when the dedication music album “Zinda bad dakhtar e mashriq zinda bad” was launching on martyrdom of Muhatarma Benazir Bhutto. Mr. Rafique sung a song “Churcha Benazir ka har aik ghar main hai” for this album and this is the first and leading song of this album.
He is inspired in music by Mr.Rafique and his voice also match with Raffia, when he come to stage and his name announce, people thinks that he changed his name, then he clarify that “I am Rafique not Raffia”. Mr. Rafique was a lead singer of his musical group (Saaz –o- Awash).
Presently he is working on his personal album and he has already composed five songs for this album, Mr. Rafique says I am very busy in my insurance field that is why I can not fully concentrate on my album but I am very keenly interested to launch this album very soon.
Mr. Rafique highly appreciate the role of media specially in music industry, he says now people know, how media works, freedom of media is good in my opinion, when he started singing at that time we had very limited sources and new talent faced many difficulties for having opportunities but now a days many channels working not only in Pakistan also in Hyderabad and I am surely say that much talent in Hyderabad. Channels providing opportunities and appreciating with open arm, due to launching of private channels the deserving people have got employment opportunities. He further says “If you want to prove your self and you have talent so electronic media can play very important role and youngest singer must come on media”.
Mr. Rafique says about his singing career “ I am satisfied with my profession and singing, I have not too much desires but I always feel that I need to improve more and more, I want to learn more, he says about his future plans, well he intends to establish a music institution on his own basis in Hyderabad between 4 to 5 years, he says “ I am not in it for the money , I like music, I love music, I can not imagine my self not playing or singing, it would just drive me crazy if I did not”.
Mr.Rafique says” as the trained and experienced singer my advice to younger singer, who have talent and want to express their singing talent, they must know music learning
Besides they must be good performer because” singer come and go, but if you are a good performer, you can last a long time” also a good singer must know types of audience, their taste of music, and young singer should daily singing practice for 3 to 4 hours, my music teacher said that if you do practice in morning only one hour you can easily covered 3 to 4 hours , the logic of this saying is that because morning is very tough time for practice our voice s drowsy so very difficult to manage it in tune. So all young singers must work hard because this is time the age of competition, “If you want to sing, you have to learn music”.

“Healthy Women, Healthy Nation”
It’s a very famous proverb that if you want a healthy generation you must need healthy women. Today’s young girl will be mother of next generation, if women are not healthy how can we expect a healthy generation? Women’s health is not necessary for only bearing children but also her health is necessary for her own self, her family and society also.
Our population approximately consists of above 50% women and a healthy person can make easily a healthy and beneficial society, healthy women can perform all the activity of daily life, she can do chores, study, look after her family, jobs in any field and can bear the financial burden or load of her family but this can be possible only, if she is completely healthy, physically and mentally. It is also said that give me good mothers I will give a good nation.
Ignoring the importance of nutritional requirements can have adverse health effects. In the long run, it can result in permanent damage to the bones, heart and the brain. On the other hand, providing rich nutrients that are required for the body promises good health. A well-nourished body projects an appealing appearance as well. The eyes, skin, hair, and teeth are its outward indicators.
Importance of nutrition, how it varies for women with age and physical condition. Resolve to take action for good health by following a nutrition chart. Redirect your eating habits so as to improve body resistance, stay mentally sharp, emotionally balanced and energetic. On the whole, it’s time to build a life with positive outlook.
Water, carbohydrates, fats and proteins are the four basic nutrients essential to life. Vitamins and minerals are classified as micronutrients simply because they are needed in relatively small amounts compared to the four basic nutrients. In order to be healthy and active, it is pertinent to follow a balanced diet that provides adequate amount of nutrient each day in quantity and variety to meet the energy and nutrient needs.
But the situation is going to lead to a very serious disorder in our society because mostly young girls, specially college and university students avoids, healthy and hygienic food, they likes fast food and junk food instead of healthy diet and homemade meals, they keeps on dieting to reduce their weight and want to look smart because the concept of healthy body is misfit in their minds, girls want to look like kareena kapoor and other under weight celebrities. They do an extra efforts for achieving this “risky task” I am using here the word “risky“ for achieving sliming target has poor effects on health and they doesn’t realize the actual risk of unhealthy food, poor diet and bad eating habits.
Mostly and majority of girls who come to university, without having breakfast at their homes and the moment, they land in university their first priority is to visit campus canteen and to order for unhygienic and dirty snacks ,soft drinks, tea and biryani, surprisingly they eat that junk food with very keen interest, when you ask these girls, who are busy in canteen having breakfast, one girl replied that she has no enough time for breakfast in the morning, as she was getting late that’s why she left home in hurry and having breakfast here in canteen, another girl said, she doesn’t like homemade breakfast only likes breakfast here with friends. It’s very amazing, that all these girls are getting higher education in university and all are unaware about human basic need “food” a healthy food and good health. They really don’t know that what critical situation can happen to them due to their bad eating habits, unhealthy food and unhealthy routine of life. There is no such shop or store of human organs or human body parts, where from they can change their expired human systems. Obviously these women may be having short span of life, full of miseries and having serious diseases at the later stages of life, it’s not a joke it’s a reality.

All women lose 20-40 milligrams of iron each month during menstruation. If not checked, iron deficiency anemia can develop. As a woman nears midlife, her metabolism begins to slow down. It is all the more important to get adequate nutrients by eating a healthy diet.
As per The Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council, women between 23 and 50 years eat about 2,200 calories a day to maintain weight. The nutrient needs are liable to vary with gender, age, height, weight, physical condition, activity level and the climatic conditions you live in. Pregnant women and lactating mothers will need additional 300-500 calories per day than their usual needs. Also, the calorie needs will hit the highest point- say 2300 calories/day during her mid-twenties. Thereafter, it tends to decline at about 2% per decade. At this rate, by 35 the calorie needs will be only 2254 calories.
Each person’s daily nutritional needs differ with age, physical condition and activity.
Nutrition Tips
· Understand the importance of a nutrition rich diet.
· Put together a healthy, total diet and adhere to it.
· Do not skip meals. Eat often, helps to keep weight steady.
· Include foods from all groups. Grains, fruits and vegetables.
· Give importance to greens, soy products.
· Eat more iron-rich foods. Not to forget vitamins and calcium.
· Ensure diet is low in saturated fat and cholesterol.
· Do not include alcoholic beverages more than one drink a day.
· Don’t be too fat-free frenzy. Count calories when cutting fat.
Health is very rare and precious gift of God, so girls please don’t spoil your health don’t follow unhealthy activities, habits and trends, if you avoid your good diet you will loose your good health and low health is easily loosing your life and life is a chance it is given only once and life is not a drama or film where you can re- born after your death, it is reality so accept reality and avoid fantasy, enjoy the actual fun of life with health. These all are blessings just for you, so eat healthy food, feel healthy look healthy and people will call you “pretty women”.
Sport complexes in all Sindh dists soon
By: Ramzan Chandio Published: December 17, 2009
KARACHI - The Federal Sports Ministry has offered the Sindh government to identify land as it is ready to construct sports complex in all districts of the province free-of-cost. Sindh Sports Minister Dr Muhammad Ali Shah informed the House during question hour of the Sindh Assembly here on Wednesday.The minister said that the District Coordination Officers (DCOs) of 10 districts in Sindh have identified an area of 10 acres land in each district to avail the offer of the federal government so far.Shah also pointed out that he has already sent reminders to the authorities of remaining district governments to identify land for sports complex to be constructed by federal government. Replying to the questions of provincial legislators, the sports minister also admitted that his department is facing financial constraints, resulting in limited sports activities in the province. The lawmakers through their queries said that Sindhi speaking sportsmen are being ignored in the national games like Cricket and Hockey. The provincial sports minister replied in affirmative, saying that there is huge talent in the youths of Sindh, so he always fight with the Pakistan Cricket Board to induct the Sindhi sportsmen in cricket and other national games. Shah said that presently the captain of under-19 cricket team is Sindhi speaking cricketer, while other sportsmen from Sindh are also part of national games. However, the majority of the written questions were asked by NPP MPA Arif Mustafa Jatoi who was absent on Wednesday.
By: Ramzan Chandio Published: December 17, 2009
KARACHI - The Federal Sports Ministry has offered the Sindh government to identify land as it is ready to construct sports complex in all districts of the province free-of-cost. Sindh Sports Minister Dr Muhammad Ali Shah informed the House during question hour of the Sindh Assembly here on Wednesday.The minister said that the District Coordination Officers (DCOs) of 10 districts in Sindh have identified an area of 10 acres land in each district to avail the offer of the federal government so far.Shah also pointed out that he has already sent reminders to the authorities of remaining district governments to identify land for sports complex to be constructed by federal government. Replying to the questions of provincial legislators, the sports minister also admitted that his department is facing financial constraints, resulting in limited sports activities in the province. The lawmakers through their queries said that Sindhi speaking sportsmen are being ignored in the national games like Cricket and Hockey. The provincial sports minister replied in affirmative, saying that there is huge talent in the youths of Sindh, so he always fight with the Pakistan Cricket Board to induct the Sindhi sportsmen in cricket and other national games. Shah said that presently the captain of under-19 cricket team is Sindhi speaking cricketer, while other sportsmen from Sindh are also part of national games. However, the majority of the written questions were asked by NPP MPA Arif Mustafa Jatoi who was absent on Wednesday.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
feature by kaleem butt
Give it a look!
Kaleem Butt
People who come to visit Sindh think that Mohan-Jo-Daro is the only place to be visited in Sindh that is not true; in fact Sindh is the land full of places to be visited again and again, from the graveyard of Makli to the graves of Noori and Jamtamachi, from the Saadbala temple to the Minar of Masoom Shah, from the Mosque of Mujahid the mosque built by Mohammad-Bin-Qasim, or the graves of holy ladies at Sukkur and the shrines of the Soofis, and Choukandi give a unique example of the mastery of artists, this is Sindh, but the exciting place ever forgotten is the Gorukh Hill Station, as every place contains a unique story like the Taj Mahal of Agara containing the story of love of an emperor…….. I never thought Sindh is so beautiful.
It was our summer vacation when we friends decided to have a tour of hill station, the first name to come in our minds was Co-Mari, but the budget, it was out of our reach as it is always, one of us called our friend the son of wadero, he invited us to his village, he is from Dadu, now it was hard decision to visit Dadu in summer because it burns like an oven; anyways we were unable to refuse our friend after all he is wadero’s son who can refuse him; the date was given to him and on Monday we left for Dadu it was the starting of June; the hot wind loo, was burning our faces, we the four burgers and me reached to the son of wadero, his welcome was as warm as the weather of Dadu, he took us to his ottaq (the guest house), there were four five people already present talking about politics as our friend’s father the wadero belongs to the largest political party which was twice in power twice kicked out before completing both the terms; after eight years outside the country the leadership was returning back to home sweet home, the wadero was out for work welcoming his leadership for coming back, we were told by our friend proudly that his father has decided to take hundred buses on his expenses to welcome their leader at the airport, the crazy people were giving signs of their craziness, anyways we the four burgers and me never interested in politics were getting bored from their discussion, at eleven in the morning the sun was right in the middle of the sky throwing all its rays on us, the wadero’s son told us to wash ourselves, so we did and the funny thing of all was the light went away half an hour before we reached there, everyone was praising Wapda for that, before the scene could be set for the meal one of the guys gave us a big steel glass of cold lassi; so that we can get a relief from the hotness of Dadu, we enjoyed lassi and another glass for me, then came the meal, we had it. After the hospitality of wadero’s son, he took us to his fields and farms and to the pound of water where the four burgers went for swimming, they asked me but I refused because someone has predicted that I will die in water, keeping that thing in mind I don’t go near to water, but now that fear is going out from me because day by day the water is being decreased in Sindh, nowadays people are not finding it for drink, standing by the side of the pound I watched my friends enjoying swimming, after fifteen minutes they came out took towels and started moving on their bodies. The wadero’s son now brought his four wheel jeep and told us that we are going to the Gorukh Hill Station, with us there were two more boys the farmers of our friend to help us; we had our air guns and the donali of wadero, before moving to actual destination we decided for little hunting in the little jungle, after four five miss shots we found few birds, one of the boys ran towards the birds taking them in his hand pulling the sharp knife and started cutting their throats, the other boy snatched a branch from the Neem tree, and gathered the straw, the birds were cleaned the boy shaped the little sticks of Neem just like pencil and put the birds one on each in circle and gave fire to the straw, it was a new style of cooking, we waited till the birds were rousted, we enjoyed the half cooked and half uncooked birds and again starting moving, there started the incline of the Gorukh Hill Station, the four wheel jeep was given to the boys so the can safeguard it till we return, we started walking the only two ways to reach the top are by walking or by cycling there is no other way (now the Sewan Development Authority is working and zigzag roads have been constructed) and don’t come if you have no security you will be robbed, for the first time we realized how difficult walking was? Moving slowly and breathing, we saw the plastic bags flying, the packets of cigarettes, juice tins and many other things, after a long march we reached the top, suddenly the weather changed hotness changed into coldness, we were told about the history of this hill station, it was Major Hamburg an officer of East India Company; the faithful of the Queen of England who used to come here with his wife to spend his weekends, there were leopards, cherags, foxes, deer, and other wild animals on this range of Kher-Thar, we were told by the old man an employee of SDA, the major came here on his summer vacations and relaxed. Standing at the top and having the view of the world from the peak the world seemed very tiny; there were bushes and trees never seen before; we were also told that on one of the hills there is an ancient temple of Hindus on its entrance gate two lions are built when ever the air passes through their open mouths the stones make a sound as though the lions are roaring.
We really forgot the famous sights and hill stations as told by our friend, one of the burgers asked the little wadero: ‘why isn’t anyone taking notice of this hill station, if this can be made like Co-Mari, it can give a fair income?’
‘And who shall take notice?’ The little wadero asked.
‘The government and the Ministry of Tourism.’ Replied the same burger. The little wadero laughed.
‘You know what our problem is? We laugh things out.’
‘Who cares? We are the happy people of the happy world; we don’t like changes at all.’ The little wadero replied.
The SDA has been in charged to have the development work for this hill station, they are building tracks and resorts and one day this hill station will be a well known tourist place.
We were at the top we were singing, dancing, and visualizing the sights with our handicam, if someone would have noticed the Gorukh Hill Station, it would be a little better than it is today.
Kaleem Butt
People who come to visit Sindh think that Mohan-Jo-Daro is the only place to be visited in Sindh that is not true; in fact Sindh is the land full of places to be visited again and again, from the graveyard of Makli to the graves of Noori and Jamtamachi, from the Saadbala temple to the Minar of Masoom Shah, from the Mosque of Mujahid the mosque built by Mohammad-Bin-Qasim, or the graves of holy ladies at Sukkur and the shrines of the Soofis, and Choukandi give a unique example of the mastery of artists, this is Sindh, but the exciting place ever forgotten is the Gorukh Hill Station, as every place contains a unique story like the Taj Mahal of Agara containing the story of love of an emperor…….. I never thought Sindh is so beautiful.
It was our summer vacation when we friends decided to have a tour of hill station, the first name to come in our minds was Co-Mari, but the budget, it was out of our reach as it is always, one of us called our friend the son of wadero, he invited us to his village, he is from Dadu, now it was hard decision to visit Dadu in summer because it burns like an oven; anyways we were unable to refuse our friend after all he is wadero’s son who can refuse him; the date was given to him and on Monday we left for Dadu it was the starting of June; the hot wind loo, was burning our faces, we the four burgers and me reached to the son of wadero, his welcome was as warm as the weather of Dadu, he took us to his ottaq (the guest house), there were four five people already present talking about politics as our friend’s father the wadero belongs to the largest political party which was twice in power twice kicked out before completing both the terms; after eight years outside the country the leadership was returning back to home sweet home, the wadero was out for work welcoming his leadership for coming back, we were told by our friend proudly that his father has decided to take hundred buses on his expenses to welcome their leader at the airport, the crazy people were giving signs of their craziness, anyways we the four burgers and me never interested in politics were getting bored from their discussion, at eleven in the morning the sun was right in the middle of the sky throwing all its rays on us, the wadero’s son told us to wash ourselves, so we did and the funny thing of all was the light went away half an hour before we reached there, everyone was praising Wapda for that, before the scene could be set for the meal one of the guys gave us a big steel glass of cold lassi; so that we can get a relief from the hotness of Dadu, we enjoyed lassi and another glass for me, then came the meal, we had it. After the hospitality of wadero’s son, he took us to his fields and farms and to the pound of water where the four burgers went for swimming, they asked me but I refused because someone has predicted that I will die in water, keeping that thing in mind I don’t go near to water, but now that fear is going out from me because day by day the water is being decreased in Sindh, nowadays people are not finding it for drink, standing by the side of the pound I watched my friends enjoying swimming, after fifteen minutes they came out took towels and started moving on their bodies. The wadero’s son now brought his four wheel jeep and told us that we are going to the Gorukh Hill Station, with us there were two more boys the farmers of our friend to help us; we had our air guns and the donali of wadero, before moving to actual destination we decided for little hunting in the little jungle, after four five miss shots we found few birds, one of the boys ran towards the birds taking them in his hand pulling the sharp knife and started cutting their throats, the other boy snatched a branch from the Neem tree, and gathered the straw, the birds were cleaned the boy shaped the little sticks of Neem just like pencil and put the birds one on each in circle and gave fire to the straw, it was a new style of cooking, we waited till the birds were rousted, we enjoyed the half cooked and half uncooked birds and again starting moving, there started the incline of the Gorukh Hill Station, the four wheel jeep was given to the boys so the can safeguard it till we return, we started walking the only two ways to reach the top are by walking or by cycling there is no other way (now the Sewan Development Authority is working and zigzag roads have been constructed) and don’t come if you have no security you will be robbed, for the first time we realized how difficult walking was? Moving slowly and breathing, we saw the plastic bags flying, the packets of cigarettes, juice tins and many other things, after a long march we reached the top, suddenly the weather changed hotness changed into coldness, we were told about the history of this hill station, it was Major Hamburg an officer of East India Company; the faithful of the Queen of England who used to come here with his wife to spend his weekends, there were leopards, cherags, foxes, deer, and other wild animals on this range of Kher-Thar, we were told by the old man an employee of SDA, the major came here on his summer vacations and relaxed. Standing at the top and having the view of the world from the peak the world seemed very tiny; there were bushes and trees never seen before; we were also told that on one of the hills there is an ancient temple of Hindus on its entrance gate two lions are built when ever the air passes through their open mouths the stones make a sound as though the lions are roaring.
We really forgot the famous sights and hill stations as told by our friend, one of the burgers asked the little wadero: ‘why isn’t anyone taking notice of this hill station, if this can be made like Co-Mari, it can give a fair income?’
‘And who shall take notice?’ The little wadero asked.
‘The government and the Ministry of Tourism.’ Replied the same burger. The little wadero laughed.
‘You know what our problem is? We laugh things out.’
‘Who cares? We are the happy people of the happy world; we don’t like changes at all.’ The little wadero replied.
The SDA has been in charged to have the development work for this hill station, they are building tracks and resorts and one day this hill station will be a well known tourist place.
We were at the top we were singing, dancing, and visualizing the sights with our handicam, if someone would have noticed the Gorukh Hill Station, it would be a little better than it is today.
feature by kaleem butt
A Love Letter to MPA
Kaleem Butt
My dear MPA sorry for disturbing you, I know you are so busy but what can I do? I am dying to see you, it has been along time seeing you, I sent you many messages via mobile but you have not replied one, as though you have forgot me. No, no it is not that I doubt you, God forbid me for that sin but what can I do, your love and affection has moved me to write a letter so that you may know my eyes are waiting for your one sight since last elections. But what can I do? I know I can’t write a letter like old English ladies and now SMS services have replaced letters.
I know you are so busy doing well for our constituency, you have a busy schedule but you tell me how can I live not seeing you for last whole two years. You know dear last week a dog died just next street to your house, we complained but the municipality told us they have no orders from higher authorities, dear who can be a higher authority than you. I know you have done a lot for us, just like we had a serious problem of breakdowns of light in hot weather but how well you solved that problem, through tapes of water, now even in light we sleep under water tapes and fresh air comes out from them, we save the light and sleep under the tapes.
My dear I don’t know why opposition is jealous from you, when you are working so hard for everyone, you know someone stole a cap of a gutter-line, I know full well that it is a trick of opposition that is against you and don’t want to see you on this position. But how can I doubt your abilities? You are so able and you work hard for us that’s the reason that for two years now you have not come once in your own constituency.
You know my dear I know your promises are true, and you have not forgotten your promises, the road has still big holes, days ago Jumma split from his bike and his leg was fractured, we took him to the government hospital, the doctor was not on duty, the old nurse told us medicine is not present, we paid for the sample medicine to the near drug store, but who has time to think about these little things. As you are working for our prosperity, it is not fair to tell you about these small things.
My dear according to your order your milky buffaloes are still at the primary school and the teacher milks them, and why not after all you were the man behind his appointment.
My dear there is a lady of your opposition she always shouts at you, she always reminds us you are doing nothing for us, but we your faithful voters since generation till generation don’t give her a dam look, when she starts speaking we press our fingers in our ears, some put cotton, we close our eyes. How can we your faithful voters can hear anything against you? If you command us we can trial her for blasphemy.
Who can doubt on your abilities you are such a hard worker, that we pray you will be our next CM, the police officers are so helpful and polite to us, the crime rate has immediately fallen down. There was a gang rape, a murder, few people come for extortion money, a day ago someone snatched my mobile, but you know what, everything is under control there is no problem with law and order. You know we have known how to live a contend life, the bag of flour, and the tin of ghee and the sugar, that you gave us during your election campaign is still in stock, you don’t worry about us we have all the facilities, that were never given to us since independence, but thanks to you for providing us all of them just in two years.
We know that your first mission is to wipe out the terrorists, and you are doing a lot for that, may all terrorists go to hell, how can we live in society that is full of terrorists? Kill them we fully support you.
And dear I want to tell you there is an empty ground were youth play games, this is simply wasting of time, what I suggest is if there are guests who are needy, poor and effected by terrorists, send them there, they will enjoy our hospitality, after all we are known for our hospitality, they are our brothers in faith, and how can they take away our resources, we are ever ready to give our brothers everything that we have.
My dear, my dear I am sorry I have taken your too much time; I know you are a busy MPA; you have to take many responsibilities on your weak shoulders, and I know full well that what can one man do?
But you know my position how can I live, not seeing your holy face for two years, you know how much we love you, please come for a while and show your holy face, before I die. Don’t worry I have made a will that my children till seven generations will vote you; I pray may this letter reach you.
Your faithful voter for ever and ever
XYZ of ABC family.
Kaleem Butt
My dear MPA sorry for disturbing you, I know you are so busy but what can I do? I am dying to see you, it has been along time seeing you, I sent you many messages via mobile but you have not replied one, as though you have forgot me. No, no it is not that I doubt you, God forbid me for that sin but what can I do, your love and affection has moved me to write a letter so that you may know my eyes are waiting for your one sight since last elections. But what can I do? I know I can’t write a letter like old English ladies and now SMS services have replaced letters.
I know you are so busy doing well for our constituency, you have a busy schedule but you tell me how can I live not seeing you for last whole two years. You know dear last week a dog died just next street to your house, we complained but the municipality told us they have no orders from higher authorities, dear who can be a higher authority than you. I know you have done a lot for us, just like we had a serious problem of breakdowns of light in hot weather but how well you solved that problem, through tapes of water, now even in light we sleep under water tapes and fresh air comes out from them, we save the light and sleep under the tapes.
My dear I don’t know why opposition is jealous from you, when you are working so hard for everyone, you know someone stole a cap of a gutter-line, I know full well that it is a trick of opposition that is against you and don’t want to see you on this position. But how can I doubt your abilities? You are so able and you work hard for us that’s the reason that for two years now you have not come once in your own constituency.
You know my dear I know your promises are true, and you have not forgotten your promises, the road has still big holes, days ago Jumma split from his bike and his leg was fractured, we took him to the government hospital, the doctor was not on duty, the old nurse told us medicine is not present, we paid for the sample medicine to the near drug store, but who has time to think about these little things. As you are working for our prosperity, it is not fair to tell you about these small things.
My dear according to your order your milky buffaloes are still at the primary school and the teacher milks them, and why not after all you were the man behind his appointment.
My dear there is a lady of your opposition she always shouts at you, she always reminds us you are doing nothing for us, but we your faithful voters since generation till generation don’t give her a dam look, when she starts speaking we press our fingers in our ears, some put cotton, we close our eyes. How can we your faithful voters can hear anything against you? If you command us we can trial her for blasphemy.
Who can doubt on your abilities you are such a hard worker, that we pray you will be our next CM, the police officers are so helpful and polite to us, the crime rate has immediately fallen down. There was a gang rape, a murder, few people come for extortion money, a day ago someone snatched my mobile, but you know what, everything is under control there is no problem with law and order. You know we have known how to live a contend life, the bag of flour, and the tin of ghee and the sugar, that you gave us during your election campaign is still in stock, you don’t worry about us we have all the facilities, that were never given to us since independence, but thanks to you for providing us all of them just in two years.
We know that your first mission is to wipe out the terrorists, and you are doing a lot for that, may all terrorists go to hell, how can we live in society that is full of terrorists? Kill them we fully support you.
And dear I want to tell you there is an empty ground were youth play games, this is simply wasting of time, what I suggest is if there are guests who are needy, poor and effected by terrorists, send them there, they will enjoy our hospitality, after all we are known for our hospitality, they are our brothers in faith, and how can they take away our resources, we are ever ready to give our brothers everything that we have.
My dear, my dear I am sorry I have taken your too much time; I know you are a busy MPA; you have to take many responsibilities on your weak shoulders, and I know full well that what can one man do?
But you know my position how can I live, not seeing your holy face for two years, you know how much we love you, please come for a while and show your holy face, before I die. Don’t worry I have made a will that my children till seven generations will vote you; I pray may this letter reach you.
Your faithful voter for ever and ever
XYZ of ABC family.
on books by kaleem butt
Not a single book written on the subject!
Kaleem Butt
How would you feel, hearing the words: “there is not a single book written on the subject!” from your teacher who is standing before you and lecturing you in class of a subject in which you are doing your “Masters.”
This means that one won’t find an authentic reference about the subject as books are the most authentic source. As a student of journalism; we have learnt that journalists are men of words, but hearing that “there is not a single book written on Rural Journalism” was astonishing as though journalists have lost their words on the subject.
Especially the people of sub-continent, who mostly depend on our rural life, are also silent on that when we claim that media by every passing minute is going towards advancement. Journalism is changing and the changes are resulting the introduction of technology. A number of journalists are using computers in place of typewriters, pencils, pens and papers, with journalists they have become printers also.
And know what, amongst 30 volumes of the great Encyclopedia Britannica, you’d be amazed knowing that there is not a single reference about rural journalism. It speaks about journalism as:
“The profession of gathering, writing, and editing
the news. As observers, reporters and commen-
tators on the rest of the society, journalists enjoy
a unique status that amply justifies their occasional
designation as the “Fourth Estate.” The importance
of journalist’s function in a free society, his potentials
for influencing the history by reporting the news, has
only gradually recognized in 20th century.” (Encyclopedia Britannica, vol: V, p: 617).
And on and on. It speaks about the development in journalism with its history, development in press, photojournalism, yellow journalism, and techniques used in journalism, but it is quite on Rural Journalism.
Rural society as described by Encyclopedia Britannica is: “generic term for societies in which the predominant human activities are those involved in the production of food, fiber, minerals and raw materials. Rural societies differ from urban societies, also in kind of relationships found amongst their members.”
If the rural society differs from urban society; surely then, its life must be different, the problems including, social, economic and political must be different and to solve their problems, we need different techniques and different expertise, and to solve their problems their voice must be carried to people sitting far away from them. As a journalist is a mirror of the society; he/she must also notice the voice of rural society.
But as a professional journalist who has spent his/her entire life in urban areas, don’t know about the living standards and traditions culture and their problems and don’t know the techniques to perform journalistic activities in rural areas, how will he/she be their voice, how will their problems be solved? What he/she will present?
In that a condition a natural thing for any journalist would be to follow the tradinational methodology of journalism carried on especially in our country; he/she will carry on to blackmail the landlords, the police working there, the government and non-government sector and even the common people whose life is already in hell.
The news stories and reports will be sold out for high rates, as it is going, truth will be sold openly, after all a journalist has to live, he/she has to earn his/her bread and survive in the world.
It would be great to hear from anyone, who knows an appropriate book on the subject of “Rural Journalism.”
Kaleem Butt
How would you feel, hearing the words: “there is not a single book written on the subject!” from your teacher who is standing before you and lecturing you in class of a subject in which you are doing your “Masters.”
This means that one won’t find an authentic reference about the subject as books are the most authentic source. As a student of journalism; we have learnt that journalists are men of words, but hearing that “there is not a single book written on Rural Journalism” was astonishing as though journalists have lost their words on the subject.
Especially the people of sub-continent, who mostly depend on our rural life, are also silent on that when we claim that media by every passing minute is going towards advancement. Journalism is changing and the changes are resulting the introduction of technology. A number of journalists are using computers in place of typewriters, pencils, pens and papers, with journalists they have become printers also.
And know what, amongst 30 volumes of the great Encyclopedia Britannica, you’d be amazed knowing that there is not a single reference about rural journalism. It speaks about journalism as:
“The profession of gathering, writing, and editing
the news. As observers, reporters and commen-
tators on the rest of the society, journalists enjoy
a unique status that amply justifies their occasional
designation as the “Fourth Estate.” The importance
of journalist’s function in a free society, his potentials
for influencing the history by reporting the news, has
only gradually recognized in 20th century.” (Encyclopedia Britannica, vol: V, p: 617).
And on and on. It speaks about the development in journalism with its history, development in press, photojournalism, yellow journalism, and techniques used in journalism, but it is quite on Rural Journalism.
Rural society as described by Encyclopedia Britannica is: “generic term for societies in which the predominant human activities are those involved in the production of food, fiber, minerals and raw materials. Rural societies differ from urban societies, also in kind of relationships found amongst their members.”
If the rural society differs from urban society; surely then, its life must be different, the problems including, social, economic and political must be different and to solve their problems, we need different techniques and different expertise, and to solve their problems their voice must be carried to people sitting far away from them. As a journalist is a mirror of the society; he/she must also notice the voice of rural society.
But as a professional journalist who has spent his/her entire life in urban areas, don’t know about the living standards and traditions culture and their problems and don’t know the techniques to perform journalistic activities in rural areas, how will he/she be their voice, how will their problems be solved? What he/she will present?
In that a condition a natural thing for any journalist would be to follow the tradinational methodology of journalism carried on especially in our country; he/she will carry on to blackmail the landlords, the police working there, the government and non-government sector and even the common people whose life is already in hell.
The news stories and reports will be sold out for high rates, as it is going, truth will be sold openly, after all a journalist has to live, he/she has to earn his/her bread and survive in the world.
It would be great to hear from anyone, who knows an appropriate book on the subject of “Rural Journalism.”
From cave paintings of the ancient age to the modern agricultural practices, ox and bull still remain the object of immense interest; value and proud possession of village folk. Of all the domesticated beasts, ox along with the horse is man’s best companion and his most trusted possession.
Bulls appear on ancient seals (like the ones excavated from the Indus Valley archeological sites) as well as the paintings and sculptures discovered and recovered from excavations elsewhere in the world.
Ancient agrarian civilizations had always set their prime focus on activities that particularly included the sports, on either the horses or the oxen. Whereas horse was the proud possession of nobility, ox enjoyed the patronage of common men. For the masses, this docile beast was a means to earn bread (through cultivation) and for transport. But the most preferred pursuit for entertainment by rural folk has always been the humble domesticated beast, the ox for its race and the thrill.
The common festivities patronized by rural folk in particular have always been the village carnivals (WOP already covered one such carnival in its Sep. 2008 issue) or the melas, where not only the oxen, the cows, the bulls and buffaloes are brought for sale and purchase but also for one of the most thrilling entertainments in our rural districts. Along with equestrian sports, oxen race is the second most popular game after tent pegging (the sport of the kings and generals) which offers a magnificent display, the thrill and the pageantry at its best.
Adil Najam described the drama of an oxen race in his equally thrill filled essay “Adrenaline Rush”.
“This is an event,” says Adil “that pushes the animals as well as the jockeys literally to the edge of their physical prowess that demands amazing control, concentration and courage. It’s quite simply, a sight to behold and an experience that gets your adrenaline rushing as fast as that of the men and the beast on centre stage”.
Its there at the race trek that oxen / or the bullocks are carried to, the area (usually a large field) with great pomp and show. The owners demonstrate an air of pride in their possession and walk at a pace, in complete synchronization of the gait of the beast they are taking along. The cattle (oxen or the bullock) are ushered on to the trek at a slow pace so as to familiarize the animal with the ground surface and the environment. The crowd starts gathering along the boundary.
Once the animals are right on the race trek, a thunderous clapping and shouting welcomes the participants (the animals and their proud owners). Dhole beats follow the clapping, roars and chants set the mood of the crowd. Every body sits or stands enthusiastically awaiting the approaching thrill.
Here on the village field, not only is the owner’s pride at stake but also the entire village is eager to hear the news ‘who won the race’. And if it’s your party that won, this is the time for you to rejoice, to celebrate and to boo you rivals.
By passage of time these races are also getting professional. It’s the special breeds now that are now reared for the racing events only. No more are these docile beast now sent out to farming or other chores so common in our rural economy. The animals are fed on specially prepared protein and vitamin rich ‘wanda’ (the cattle feed) and are kept in relatively comfortable rather luxurious conditions. A strict regime on injuries or any other health hazard by regular vet visits is strictly enforced. The bull muscles are also invigorated and physically strengthened through regular massage and other exercises.
For a typical race in a circle, wooden planks are tied to the pair of the oxen; the jockey stands on the plank and then pushes the pair to run on the oval track. That being the main part of race training. In some parts of Punjab and Sindh, instead of wooden plank, a cart is attached to the bull. Carts for this purpose are specially crafted, carved and painted in vibrant colours.
Not very long ago, the village carnivals aka mela madis were a regular feature in Central Punjab and Sindh. However, the urbanization especially of our rural districts has limited these activities to some more remote parts of the country. Urbanization and over-industrialization offered more lucrative ventures to the people in rural societies, so many traditional sports including the oxen races started vanishing from the scene. To further discourage the people to indulge in these simple, home grown enjoying moments of fun and frolic, came also the NGO’s and animal rights activists who argued that such races were cruel sports that tormented the animals for humans’ luscious enjoyment only.
“Bullocks and oxen are not the horses, argue these activists. They are meek and gentle creatures already worn out from a hard day’s labour, even then they are forced to run. Many a time chillies are thrown into their eyes or even pushed into the arses, jabbing them in their privates with naked sticks; lashing them with steel whips and forcing alcohol down their throats”. Then the difference in the height and weight of one bullock can exert a tremendous amount of pressure on the other bullock, no wonder, that muscular injuries are common in case of these racing bulls. Such injuries are mostly caused through lashing and poking of sticks to make the animals run faster which sometimes cripples them and may even cause their death as well.
Another uglier aspect is the gambling, which unfortunately in some areas, has become a regular feature. To this comes the loss of losing face as the defeated party has to surrender the pair of bullocks to the victor, an aspect which in our rural culture is often taken as a loss of honour and pride and that too just before his rival. This and similar aspects are discouraging enthusiasts to loose interest in this simple, indigenous and thrill filled activity
To add fuel to the fire, reports of inhuman treatment to these humble animal-beings further motivated the people not to frequent such melas where the oxen races were the prime show of the event. To further discourage these races, reports were published by Vet groups hyped up by the media [who out of fierce competition to solicit prime sponsorships are now ‘blood’ thirsty for “Breaking news”]. Animals get frequent heart arrests during these races causing instant deaths on the fields, cautioned these reports. Barring some scattered incidents reported by them, they generalized the whole situation to turn a gentle, peaceful, entertaining event to a cruel game. No body doubts; some scattered events might have occurred in some scattered places, away from the general masses, yet to deprive the common man of a healthy, gentle and peaceful way of enjoyment is a cruelty in itself. No one especially a person who loves the animal and the sport can even think of being so cruel to their humble yet prideful animal beings. Yet these reports start pouring in, marring the very beauty of the game.
However, with all the good, bad and the ugly aspects, in the world of oxen sports, the race still goes on. To quote Adil Najam once again:
“Pairs of oxen, racing against each other in a fast paced high drama, a heart pounding racing event, an absolute spectacle that rivals any car racing event.”
Bulls appear on ancient seals (like the ones excavated from the Indus Valley archeological sites) as well as the paintings and sculptures discovered and recovered from excavations elsewhere in the world.
Ancient agrarian civilizations had always set their prime focus on activities that particularly included the sports, on either the horses or the oxen. Whereas horse was the proud possession of nobility, ox enjoyed the patronage of common men. For the masses, this docile beast was a means to earn bread (through cultivation) and for transport. But the most preferred pursuit for entertainment by rural folk has always been the humble domesticated beast, the ox for its race and the thrill.
The common festivities patronized by rural folk in particular have always been the village carnivals (WOP already covered one such carnival in its Sep. 2008 issue) or the melas, where not only the oxen, the cows, the bulls and buffaloes are brought for sale and purchase but also for one of the most thrilling entertainments in our rural districts. Along with equestrian sports, oxen race is the second most popular game after tent pegging (the sport of the kings and generals) which offers a magnificent display, the thrill and the pageantry at its best.
Adil Najam described the drama of an oxen race in his equally thrill filled essay “Adrenaline Rush”.
“This is an event,” says Adil “that pushes the animals as well as the jockeys literally to the edge of their physical prowess that demands amazing control, concentration and courage. It’s quite simply, a sight to behold and an experience that gets your adrenaline rushing as fast as that of the men and the beast on centre stage”.
Its there at the race trek that oxen / or the bullocks are carried to, the area (usually a large field) with great pomp and show. The owners demonstrate an air of pride in their possession and walk at a pace, in complete synchronization of the gait of the beast they are taking along. The cattle (oxen or the bullock) are ushered on to the trek at a slow pace so as to familiarize the animal with the ground surface and the environment. The crowd starts gathering along the boundary.
Once the animals are right on the race trek, a thunderous clapping and shouting welcomes the participants (the animals and their proud owners). Dhole beats follow the clapping, roars and chants set the mood of the crowd. Every body sits or stands enthusiastically awaiting the approaching thrill.
Here on the village field, not only is the owner’s pride at stake but also the entire village is eager to hear the news ‘who won the race’. And if it’s your party that won, this is the time for you to rejoice, to celebrate and to boo you rivals.
By passage of time these races are also getting professional. It’s the special breeds now that are now reared for the racing events only. No more are these docile beast now sent out to farming or other chores so common in our rural economy. The animals are fed on specially prepared protein and vitamin rich ‘wanda’ (the cattle feed) and are kept in relatively comfortable rather luxurious conditions. A strict regime on injuries or any other health hazard by regular vet visits is strictly enforced. The bull muscles are also invigorated and physically strengthened through regular massage and other exercises.
For a typical race in a circle, wooden planks are tied to the pair of the oxen; the jockey stands on the plank and then pushes the pair to run on the oval track. That being the main part of race training. In some parts of Punjab and Sindh, instead of wooden plank, a cart is attached to the bull. Carts for this purpose are specially crafted, carved and painted in vibrant colours.
Not very long ago, the village carnivals aka mela madis were a regular feature in Central Punjab and Sindh. However, the urbanization especially of our rural districts has limited these activities to some more remote parts of the country. Urbanization and over-industrialization offered more lucrative ventures to the people in rural societies, so many traditional sports including the oxen races started vanishing from the scene. To further discourage the people to indulge in these simple, home grown enjoying moments of fun and frolic, came also the NGO’s and animal rights activists who argued that such races were cruel sports that tormented the animals for humans’ luscious enjoyment only.
“Bullocks and oxen are not the horses, argue these activists. They are meek and gentle creatures already worn out from a hard day’s labour, even then they are forced to run. Many a time chillies are thrown into their eyes or even pushed into the arses, jabbing them in their privates with naked sticks; lashing them with steel whips and forcing alcohol down their throats”. Then the difference in the height and weight of one bullock can exert a tremendous amount of pressure on the other bullock, no wonder, that muscular injuries are common in case of these racing bulls. Such injuries are mostly caused through lashing and poking of sticks to make the animals run faster which sometimes cripples them and may even cause their death as well.
Another uglier aspect is the gambling, which unfortunately in some areas, has become a regular feature. To this comes the loss of losing face as the defeated party has to surrender the pair of bullocks to the victor, an aspect which in our rural culture is often taken as a loss of honour and pride and that too just before his rival. This and similar aspects are discouraging enthusiasts to loose interest in this simple, indigenous and thrill filled activity
To add fuel to the fire, reports of inhuman treatment to these humble animal-beings further motivated the people not to frequent such melas where the oxen races were the prime show of the event. To further discourage these races, reports were published by Vet groups hyped up by the media [who out of fierce competition to solicit prime sponsorships are now ‘blood’ thirsty for “Breaking news”]. Animals get frequent heart arrests during these races causing instant deaths on the fields, cautioned these reports. Barring some scattered incidents reported by them, they generalized the whole situation to turn a gentle, peaceful, entertaining event to a cruel game. No body doubts; some scattered events might have occurred in some scattered places, away from the general masses, yet to deprive the common man of a healthy, gentle and peaceful way of enjoyment is a cruelty in itself. No one especially a person who loves the animal and the sport can even think of being so cruel to their humble yet prideful animal beings. Yet these reports start pouring in, marring the very beauty of the game.
However, with all the good, bad and the ugly aspects, in the world of oxen sports, the race still goes on. To quote Adil Najam once again:
“Pairs of oxen, racing against each other in a fast paced high drama, a heart pounding racing event, an absolute spectacle that rivals any car racing event.”
Special Sports ACTIVITIES
Special Sport
Sports and physically challenged persons!!! Usually it assumed sport is not for physically challenged persons as it's a physical activity. But many physically challenged proved that they can be a good player, even though they face trouble but they invented they own ways in sports.
Even though blind cricket team of Pakistan won world cup of blind cricket but still many people ask, how blind persons can play Cricket? Same way people think physically challenged persons can not take in physical activities. But once again we at DWA are on our way and soon the society will see how much active a physically challenged person can be, if given appropriate facilities.
There are bunch of new things coming soon in the filed of sports for physically challenged persons. But at this time we are taking out of the ground with flowing sports.
(Posted by Saba Shaikh)
Mass Communication ,CAREER.
Changing times have revolutionised prospects in all most every career field one can find today. So many new and exciting career options are lined ahead that it is difficult to choose one. Mass communication is one such field which is attracting a lot of young these days and why not, when it has to offer such interesting career options in the fields, like various kinds of medias - newspapers, magazines, radio, television, advertisements, public relations etc. Though its presence has been there since long but it is only in recent times that it's been able to earn due recognition. Efforts are on to add professionalism to different areas of mass communication, with many universities and institutions offering number of professional courses.
Mass communication covers a wide area, comprising of closely related fields of advertisement, communication and public relations. Almost all kinds of establishments whether business, government or political are availing of services, offered by these industries, therefore an encouraging sign for those looking ahead to making a career in mass communication.
Nature of Work
Mass communication is a vast field covering many areas under it. Some of these are discussed under the following headings.
PRINT JOURNALISM: In short, journalism is collecting and editing of news for presentation through media. Print journalism has been one of the oldest forms of journalism. Newspapers and magazines, big or small have always been major source of news and information throughout the world and millions of readers go through them daily. Over the years, print journalism has witnessed major transformation, the simple reporting of yesteryears has taken a shape of highly specialized and professional field owing to competition and other factors. The newspapers and magazines today cover a wide range of specialized sections like political events, business news, leisure, cinema, sports, career, health and so many other subjects, which demands for professionally qualified journalists. Given the variety of subjects to choose from, one can look forward to a field of his interest and pursue several avialable courses in that direction.
ELECTRONIC JOURNALISM: Introduction of electronic communicaiton especially through broadcasting has affected the lifestyles and thoughts of masses. Communication mediums like television, radio, audio, video etc. has made possible news, entertainment, information, education related subjects reach the very far and wide places. It has to an extent sidelined other forms of communication. With the growing network of TV, satellite communication, cable services, radio stations, etc., the future of this industry seems bright. Electronic journalism offers to professionally qualified aspirants opportunities in a number of fields. Some of these are direction, production, camera, graphics, editing, sound, programme research, script writing etc.
FILMS - PRODUCERS, ACTORS, MUSICIANS AND DANCERS When we talk of films today, there is no dearth of available professional career options. Although, it is not all that easy to taste success in one of the most competitive and sought after fields, but definitely for someone sanguine and determined, it can be quite rewarding. Films have always earned recognition and fascination of masses. There are so many different groups of people associated with the so-called big screen and one has a variety to choose from the available options from technical professions like directors, producers, soundmen, lightmen, cameramen, editors etc. to artists like actors, dancers, musicians, stuntmen etc.
The rapidly growing film industry and its certain future has led to various institutes offering highly professional courses. One definitely finds it useful to pursue these courses in order to hone their skills and make themselves better to compete with the best in the industry.
ADVERTISING: Advertising is brand building process of a product, idea, thought or a even a service, through effective mediums of communication. From newspapers, magazines, posters, signboards, bills to the commercials on radio, television and even Internet, advertising has come a long way. Business organisations, political organisations, social organisations, all find it important to advertise in order to influence public opinion.
Since advertising is a service industry, the reputation of the ad agency depends on the effective work being done and campaign released from time to time. This makes the job even more challenging. With the advent of the multinational companies, more and more Indian agencies are tying up with the the foreign agencies to pitch for international clients which is clearly indicative of high growth in coming years in this industry.
PUBLIC RELATIONS:Once, the simple operation of publicity, today has emerged as an important management function. Public Relations, as the name suggests, is used to generate and portray, positive image of an organisation by various means. Business houses, schools, universities, hospitals, government institutions, etc. engage public relations personnels and agencies to cast and present their image, objectives and policies in the best possible light.
For somebody to become a successful public relation consultant, it is imperative to have a liking to meet people alongwith excellent communication skills, ability to interact with, convince people, and build a rapport is important. The other traits should be, quick decision making abilities and good organisational skills.
The sphere of mass communication being widely spread, requires a combination of skills and traits. Different areas asks for different qualities, but for anyone to take on any of the fields of mass communication definitely requires better than average performance in whatever one does. It is not easy to get in and progressing is even difficult. In general, excellent communication skills, being a good team player are important, besides being confident and hardworking. Physical stamina and will power count in favour for jobs in mass communication. Other attributes vary from one another depending upon the area one pursues.
Career Prospects
Diversification in different areas of mass communication is witnessing a steep rise and is expected to thrive further, on account of growing professionalism and advancement in this sector. Anyone who is creative, dynamic, enterprising and has a flair to project his ideas, thoughts, observation through different mediums of communication can accomodate himself comfortably in this industry. Computers, especially the advent of Internet has furthermore brought new and challenging opportunities in the communication segment. It is attracting a more and more people from traditional forms of mass media.
Opportunities for placement in diverse fields of mass communication are available in publishing houses, radio and television companies, corporate world, entertainment industry, media industry, advertising agencies, public relations agencies, government organisations etc. As far as remuneration is concerned it varies from one area of mass communication to another. However in every area, it is much dependent on the size of the organisation, its location combined together with the level of responsibility and experience of the candidate.
Changing times have revolutionised prospects in all most every career field one can find today. So many new and exciting career options are lined ahead that it is difficult to choose one. Mass communication is one such field which is attracting a lot of young these days and why not, when it has to offer such interesting career options in the fields, like various kinds of medias - newspapers, magazines, radio, television, advertisements, public relations etc. Though its presence has been there since long but it is only in recent times that it's been able to earn due recognition. Efforts are on to add professionalism to different areas of mass communication, with many universities and institutions offering number of professional courses.
Mass communication covers a wide area, comprising of closely related fields of advertisement, communication and public relations. Almost all kinds of establishments whether business, government or political are availing of services, offered by these industries, therefore an encouraging sign for those looking ahead to making a career in mass communication.
Nature of Work
Mass communication is a vast field covering many areas under it. Some of these are discussed under the following headings.
PRINT JOURNALISM: In short, journalism is collecting and editing of news for presentation through media. Print journalism has been one of the oldest forms of journalism. Newspapers and magazines, big or small have always been major source of news and information throughout the world and millions of readers go through them daily. Over the years, print journalism has witnessed major transformation, the simple reporting of yesteryears has taken a shape of highly specialized and professional field owing to competition and other factors. The newspapers and magazines today cover a wide range of specialized sections like political events, business news, leisure, cinema, sports, career, health and so many other subjects, which demands for professionally qualified journalists. Given the variety of subjects to choose from, one can look forward to a field of his interest and pursue several avialable courses in that direction.
ELECTRONIC JOURNALISM: Introduction of electronic communicaiton especially through broadcasting has affected the lifestyles and thoughts of masses. Communication mediums like television, radio, audio, video etc. has made possible news, entertainment, information, education related subjects reach the very far and wide places. It has to an extent sidelined other forms of communication. With the growing network of TV, satellite communication, cable services, radio stations, etc., the future of this industry seems bright. Electronic journalism offers to professionally qualified aspirants opportunities in a number of fields. Some of these are direction, production, camera, graphics, editing, sound, programme research, script writing etc.
FILMS - PRODUCERS, ACTORS, MUSICIANS AND DANCERS When we talk of films today, there is no dearth of available professional career options. Although, it is not all that easy to taste success in one of the most competitive and sought after fields, but definitely for someone sanguine and determined, it can be quite rewarding. Films have always earned recognition and fascination of masses. There are so many different groups of people associated with the so-called big screen and one has a variety to choose from the available options from technical professions like directors, producers, soundmen, lightmen, cameramen, editors etc. to artists like actors, dancers, musicians, stuntmen etc.
The rapidly growing film industry and its certain future has led to various institutes offering highly professional courses. One definitely finds it useful to pursue these courses in order to hone their skills and make themselves better to compete with the best in the industry.
ADVERTISING: Advertising is brand building process of a product, idea, thought or a even a service, through effective mediums of communication. From newspapers, magazines, posters, signboards, bills to the commercials on radio, television and even Internet, advertising has come a long way. Business organisations, political organisations, social organisations, all find it important to advertise in order to influence public opinion.
Since advertising is a service industry, the reputation of the ad agency depends on the effective work being done and campaign released from time to time. This makes the job even more challenging. With the advent of the multinational companies, more and more Indian agencies are tying up with the the foreign agencies to pitch for international clients which is clearly indicative of high growth in coming years in this industry.
PUBLIC RELATIONS:Once, the simple operation of publicity, today has emerged as an important management function. Public Relations, as the name suggests, is used to generate and portray, positive image of an organisation by various means. Business houses, schools, universities, hospitals, government institutions, etc. engage public relations personnels and agencies to cast and present their image, objectives and policies in the best possible light.
For somebody to become a successful public relation consultant, it is imperative to have a liking to meet people alongwith excellent communication skills, ability to interact with, convince people, and build a rapport is important. The other traits should be, quick decision making abilities and good organisational skills.
The sphere of mass communication being widely spread, requires a combination of skills and traits. Different areas asks for different qualities, but for anyone to take on any of the fields of mass communication definitely requires better than average performance in whatever one does. It is not easy to get in and progressing is even difficult. In general, excellent communication skills, being a good team player are important, besides being confident and hardworking. Physical stamina and will power count in favour for jobs in mass communication. Other attributes vary from one another depending upon the area one pursues.
Career Prospects
Diversification in different areas of mass communication is witnessing a steep rise and is expected to thrive further, on account of growing professionalism and advancement in this sector. Anyone who is creative, dynamic, enterprising and has a flair to project his ideas, thoughts, observation through different mediums of communication can accomodate himself comfortably in this industry. Computers, especially the advent of Internet has furthermore brought new and challenging opportunities in the communication segment. It is attracting a more and more people from traditional forms of mass media.
Opportunities for placement in diverse fields of mass communication are available in publishing houses, radio and television companies, corporate world, entertainment industry, media industry, advertising agencies, public relations agencies, government organisations etc. As far as remuneration is concerned it varies from one area of mass communication to another. However in every area, it is much dependent on the size of the organisation, its location combined together with the level of responsibility and experience of the candidate.
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